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A Wiki devoted to further discussion of issues raised in this article, as well as other news and information related to the spam problem: www.wecanstopspam.org.

Further discussion of issues raised in this article: wecanstopspam.org/jsp/Wiki?GarySpamArticle.

Paul Graham's seminal article, “A Plan for Spam”: www.paulgraham.com/spam.html.

Greg Louis has performed extensive testing on the technique described here compared to other techniques: www.bgl.nu/~glouis/bogofilter.

The Spambayes Project home page: spambayes.sourceforge.net/index.html.

A phrase-based spam system, CRM114: crm114.sourceforge.net.

The 1971 optimality theorem for Fisher is found in the following paper, along with a description of the technique: Little, R.; and Folks, J. (1971) “Asymptotic Optimality of Fisher's Method of Combining Independent Tests”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 66, pp. 802-806.

The tutorial by David Heckerman on Bayesian networks: research.microsoft.com/scripts/pubs/view.asp?TR_ID=MSR-TR-95-06.

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