LJ Archive CD

Listing 2. Benchmark code listing

identification division.
program-id.     bench.
environment division.
input-output section.
    select sdf-file-in assign to sdf-file-in
    organization is line sequential.
    select isam-file assign to isam-file
    organization is indexed
    record key field-1
    alternate record key field-3 with duplicates
    file status is isam-file-status.
data division.
file section.
fd sdf-file-in
        value of file-id is "../dbman/test.sdf".
01 dbase-rec-in.
        03 field-1-in                   pic 9(7).
        03 field-2-in                   pic x(81).
        03 field-3-in                   pic 9(8).
fd isam-file
        value of file-id is "isam".
01 isam-rec.
        03 field-1                      pic 9(8) comp-4.
        03 field-2                      pic x(81).
        03 field-3                      pic 9(8).
working-storage section.
77      any-key                         pic x.
        88 eof                          value '1'.
77      time-x                          pic 9(8).
77      x_s                             pic x(81).
77      x_y                             pic x(81).
77      x_a                             pic s9(8) comp-5.
77      isam-file-status                pic xx.
procedure division.
        accept time-x from time.
        display time-x.
        open input sdf-file-in
                output isam-file.
        move zero to any-key.
        perform until eof
                read sdf-file-in at end move '1' to any-key
                        not end
                                move field-1-in to field-1
                                move field-2-in to field-2
                                move field-3-in to field-3
                                write isam-rec
                                invalid key display field-1-in field-1 isam-file-status
                                accept omitted
        close sdf-file-in isam-file.
        accept time-x from time.
        display time-x.
        open i-o isam-file.
        move "seed" to x_s.
        move zero to x_a, field-1.
        start isam-file key >= field-1
                invalid key display "something seriously wrong".
        move zero to any-key.
        perform until eof
                read isam-file next at end move '1' to any-key
                        not end
                                move field-2 to x_y
                                move x_s to field-2
                                rewrite isam-rec
                                        invalid key display "something seriously wrong"
                                move x_y to x_s
                                compute x_a = x_a + field-1 / 1000
        accept time-x from time.
        display time-x.
        move zero to field-1.
        start isam-file key >= field-1
                invalid key display "something seriously wrong".
        move zero to any-key.
        perform until eof
                read isam-file next at end move '1' to any-key
                        not end
                                delete isam-file
        accept time-x from time.
        display time-x.
        accept omitted.
        close isam-file.
        stop run.
LJ Archive CD